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Work Experience

I view my life as a journey, and in retrospect I see that the broad spectrum of my professional experience has led me to where I am today. It has been said that it is difficult to make money as an artist; I believe this is because most artists do not have a business background. I feel I was blessed to start on the business side of art and move to work as a full-time artist, because that experience has given me a better understanding for working with my clients and a strong sense of their needs for their own business or lifestyle.

Flower Cake


Since I was a small child I have been in and out of the kitchen, dreaming up recipes and reading cookbooks like they were novels. The world of food and cooking is where I feel most at home.

French House

Art/Home Décor

I have always been a collector of antiques, books and art, preferring to find the “worn” jewels and bring them back to life. I taught myself decorative painting as a way of reviving worn chests, tables and many garage sale small finds. Over the years, I dreamed of having my own shop, and the dream came true and when I opened Belle Maison in 1994. The shop was a delightful mix of displays I created from restored furnishings and comptemporary home decor items. Belle Maison clients asked me to create a new look in their homes using what they already owned and spotlighting Belle Maison items. As an artist, I have explored painting in a variety of ways, from painting on china to using water media and collage to represent my subject matter. Watercolor and collage has given me another opportunity to pursue painting for illustration of greeting cards, cookbooks and articles I have written. In addition, I have studied with master painters, Antonia Accock, Lavonne Tarbox Crone and Betty Carr.



I have experimented in every phase of gardening, but particularly the introduction of garden fresh vegetables and herbs to the family table. I loved the planning, planting and harvesting of gardens and the challenge of using this bounty in the best possible way. I love teaching gardening to others and to experience them sharing in their pleasure and excitement over a finished project.

Palm Tree


I have always had a natural curiosity about my world both professionally and personally leading me to write about those experiences. My professions have required writing for worldwide studies, marketing materials and promotional materials.

Herb Pot


I am a life long student, taking classes on a variety of subjects professionally and personally that are of interest to me and to expand my own knowledge and business opportunities. I enjoy learning from experienced professionals in a variety of fields and will often schedule a meeting with someone I know who has expertise in an area of interest to me or I need information about.


Volunteer/Charitable Work

Since 1996 I have been a Breast Cancer Survivor. During my treatment I fully appreciated the value of community and now mentor others with this disease during their treatment. I have always enjoyed participating in volunteer opportunities in communities with gardening/community beautification projects.

   Copyright 2005 PaulaLaMont.com - Vineyard-Garden Designs